Friday, January 29, 2010

ADF&G Posts Staff Comments on AK Peninsula - Aleutian Islands Proposals

The Alaska Department of Fish and Game has posted staff comments on the Alaska Peninsula - Aleutian Islands Management Proposals. The proposals will be considered Feb. 2 - 6, 2010 during the Alaska Board of Fisheries meeting at the Egan Civic & Convention Center in Anchorage. The Board will listen to testimony on the proposals. To view ADF&G staff comments, click on the title of this blog post or cut and paste this link below into your browser.

IPHC Sets Catch Limits for 2010

This morning, the International Pacific Halibut Commission set catch limits for the 2010 season:

Area 2A — 810,000 pounds
Area 2B — 7.5 million pounds
Area 2C — 4.4 million pounds
Area 3A — 19.99 million pounds
Area 3B — 9.9 million pounds
Area 4A — 2.33 million pounds
Area 4B — 2.16 million pounds
Area 4CDE — 3.58 million pounds

TOTAL — 50.67 million pounds

Reminder: BOF to Hear Testimony on Proposals Affecting Alaska Peninsula and Aleutian Islands

The Aleutians East Borough (AEB) would like to remind Area M fishermen that the Alaska Board of Fisheries (BOF) is scheduled to hear testimony on multiple proposals impacting the Alaska Peninsula and Aleutian Islands finfish. The public hearing will take place Feb. 2 - 6, 2010 at the Egan Civic & Convention Center.

The AEB is renting space at the Egan (Space #14, lower level) for fishermen to gather and seek advice from the Borough's fish experts (AEB Resource Director Beth Stewart and Borough Fisheries Consultant Sam Cotten) on testimony that will be presented to the BOF.

Those unable to attend the hearing in Anchorage can listen to audio from the BOF public hearing. It will be streamed live via the Board's Web site: .

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

AEB Seeks Fishermen to Testify at Alaska Board of Fisheries Meeting Feb. 2 - 6, 2010

The Aleutians East Borough is seeking fishermen to testify at the Alaska Board of Fisheries (BOF) meeting in Anchorage scheduled for Feb. 2 - 6, 2010 at the Egan Civic & Convention Center. The BOF will hear testimony on multiple proposals concerning the Alaska Peninsula and Aleutian Islands Finfish Proposals.

The proposals include:

* Possible changes to the Kupreanof Line (Proposal # 141)
* The lack of fishing time with the Southeastern District Mainland (SEDM) (Proposals # 132 - 138).
* Possible restrictions to openings in the Northern District to allow more fishing in Nelson Lagoon.

Fishermen interested in testifying at the Alaska Board of Fisheries should contact:
Tina Anderson, AEB Clerk/Planner
Toll free: (888) 383-2699