Gulf of Alaska Trawl Bycatch
Management (GOA TBM) was the headline agenda item for the North Pacific Fishery
Management Council June meeting in Kodiak, garnering a parade and harbor spit
festival organized by the Kodiak trawl industry and processors on Saturday June
11. The Council reviewed the current discussion paper and made some clarifying
adjustments to Alternatives 2, 3 & 4. One change would allow electronic
monitoring, when it is available for trawl, instead of only 100% human observer
The Council also added the
following language between the Purpose and Needs statement and the Goals and
Objectives section:
“The overarching goal of the Gulf of Alaska Trawl Bycatch
Management program is to provide the fleet tools for effective management and
reduction of PSC and bycatch, and promote increased utilization of both target
and secondary species while minimizing economic barriers for new participants by
limiting the duration of harvest privileges that may be allocated (target
species and/or prohibited species) in order to maintain opportunity for entry
into the GOA trawl fisheries.”
The Council is moving the GOA TBM
action to a ‘preliminary analysis’ phase tentatively set to come back in
In the coming weeks NOAA
Fisheries will announce in the Federal Register a new public scoping process
that will be an important step in an Environmental Impact Statement for the
The preliminary compiled June Council
motion for GOA TBM can be found at this
In other Council agenda items:
the NPFMC declared the 10 year Review of the BSAI Crab Rationalization program
“complete and final”. The Council also
moved Bering Sea Tanner crab to the list of species exempt from custom
processing limits, an action of immediate concern that would allow the full
utilization of the upcoming BS tanner season total allowable catch with a now
limited number of processors. During the
North Pacific Observer Program Annual Report the Council recommended
adding a new strata in the program for vessels that deliver to tenders. The North
Pacific Observer Program Annual Deployment Plan will be reviewed by the Council
in October. Initial Review of ‘Electronic Monitoring Integration’ is also
scheduled for October after a July review by the electronic monitoring
workgroup in Anchorage.
The Council paid tribute to 3
non-returning members at an evening reception. Coast Guard Captain Phillip
Thorne is moving up the ranks after serving the Council for 4 years, David Long
was not reappointed for a second term, and Duncan Fields has completed the
maximum 9 consecutive years on the Council. Theresa Peterson, an Advisory Panel
member from Kodiak, was nominated by the Governor to replace Fields; Buck
Laukitis was nominated to replace David Long. The Secretary of Commerce is
expected to announce Council appointments next week.