On Tuesday August 4th, 2020, Sand Point Radio KSDP General Manager Austin Roof interviewed officials regarding two COVID-19 relief programs.
At 11AM Austin had on ADFG Commissioner Doug Vincent-Lang and Deputy Commissioner Rachel Baker on the CARES Act funding for Alaska Fishery Participants. That interview can be found archived here: https://apradio.org/mp3-interview-with-commissioner-vincent-lang-and-deputy-commissioner-rachel-baker-from-the-alaska-department-of-fish-and-game/. A guidance document on the program can be found here: http://www.adfg.alaska.gov/static/home/news/hottopics/pdfs/cares_act_guidance_062420.pdf
At 2PM Tuesday Austin interviewed Small Business Administration District Director John Veal on the Paycheck Protection Program. That interview can be found archived here: https://apradio.org/mp3-interview-with-district-director-john-veal-of-the-small-business-association-regarding-the-paycheck-protection-program/