Tuesday, February 11, 2025

NPFMC Adopts AP Recommendations on Chum Salmon Bycatch

The North Pacific Fishery Management Council's motion on agenda item C2 Chum Salmon Bycatch by ADFG Deputy Commissioner Rachel Baker, adopts recommendations from the Advisory Panel. Additionally the motion clarifies some language from the AP and adds two new sections suggested in public comment.

A new sub-option under Alternative 2 would 'establish a CDQ chum salmon PSC reserve pool'. A new option 3 under Alternative 5 would be mutually exclusive to Alternative 3, because like Alternative 3,  Alternative 5 option 3 would establish a chum salmon abundance-based threshold, also adding suboption 1 to use the 75th percentile of Yukon River summer and fall run reconstructions, and suboption 2 to use the 90th percentile.

The only attempt to amend the motion, from member Vanderhoeven, would have added a 3rd suboption under Alt 5 to use the 50th percentile of the Yukon River summer and fall run reconstructions, below which the corridor cap and closure provisions would not apply. The amendment failed 3-8.

Final comments from Council members praised excellent staff, AP & SSC work, the extensive and meaningful public participation and Chair Drobnica's competent leadership through the process at the special February meeting.
The chum bycatch action is tentatively scheduled for final action at the October meeting, but could also come back at the December meeting.


Thursday, February 6, 2025

NPFMC Sets Total allowable Catch for Cook Inlet EEZ salmon

Today the North Pacific Fishery Management Council accepted the Scientific and Statistical Committee's (SSC) recommendations on Cook Inlet salmon in the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) outside of 3 miles from shore in Cook Inlet. The Council motion also sets total allowable catch (TAC) for Cook Inlet EEZ salmon

The motion from member Kurland set the combined TAC for all sockeye at 696,111 numbers of fish, including a 13% TAC buffer. Chinook TAC is set at 261; Coho TAC at 16,753; Chum TAC is set at 78,006; and Pink salmon TAC is 52,357. The draft Council motion can be found here. The SSC recommendations are found here.

An amendment from member Moller to the motion from Kurland, to remove the additional 13% buffer to the sockeye TAC, passed by a 6-5 vote, making the final total sockeye TAC, 800,126 fish. The final amended motion passed unanimously. Here's the Final Motion.

The Council, SSC and the Advisory Panel are meeting at the Egan Center this week. The Council will now begin hearing reports and testimony on the only other agenda item, C2 Chum salmon bycatch in the Bering Sea Pollock fishery.


Friday, January 31, 2025

IPHC adopts significant decrease in halibut harvests for 2025

The International Pacific Halibut Commission adopted season dates and harvest limits for all IPHC areas at the close of the Annual meeting Friday January 31, 2025.

Season dates for all areas will open March 20 at 6AM local time and close December 7 at 23:59PM local time.

Monday, January 13, 2025

Alaska Board of Game adopts regulations impacting hunting in the Aleutians East Borough

The Board of Game is meeting in Wasilla this week to consider game proposals for Southwest and Central Alaska game management units. The Board has adopted the following proposals that impact hunting opportunities in Aleutians East Borough communities.

  • Proposal 1 to reauthorize the brown bear tag fee exemptions for the Central and Southwest Region Units, states that a resident tag is not required for taking a brown bear in specified units and areas, including in Unit 9D within five miles of the communities of Cold Bay, King Cove, Sand Point and Nelson Lagoon, and in Unit 10 within three miles of the community of False Pass. This exemption is adopted annually.
  • Proposal 7 to extend the fall Southern Alaska Peninsula caribou season for residents and nonresidents, extends the open season dates for caribou in Unit 9D from August 1-September 30, to August 1-October 21.
  • Proposal 12 to lengthen the fall brown bear hunting seasons in Units 9D and 9E for both residents and nonresidents, will return the fall season dates for brown bear in GMUs 9D & 9E to October 1-21, before the season was shortened to the current October 7-21.
  • Proposal 15 to lengthen the non-resident spring brown bear hunting seasons in Units 9D and 9E, will return the spring season dates for brown bear in GMUs 9D & 9E to May 10-31, before the season was shortened to the current May 10-25.
  • Proposal 21 to remove the two per day bag limit for beaver when taken by firearm during April 15–May 31 in Unit 9, will now enact no bag limit on beaver taken by firearms during the open season October-May 31, the same as trapping regulations.
  • Proposal 22 will shorten the season for hunting wolverine in Unit 9 for both residents and nonresidents to September1-February 28, instead of September 1-March 31.

The Alaska Board of Game will meet at the Best Western Lake Lucille Inn in Wasilla, Alaska through January 17. The meeting is also live-streamed on the Board's homepage.

Wednesday, December 11, 2024

AEB FIsh News for December 10, 2024

The Aleutians East Borough Natural Resources Department published an edition of the eNewsletter FishNews on December 10, 2024. This edition marks the last day of the North Pacific Fishery Management Council  December 2024 meeting in Anchorage, and the first day of the Alaska Board of Fisheries Prince William Sound meeting in Cordova. This latest FishNews also includes the agenda for the upcoming AEB Fishermen's Winter Fisheries meeting scheduled for 10AM Tuesday December 17, 2024.

The 12/10/24 FishNews is posted here.

Tuesday, December 3, 2024

Public Meetings and ANILCA Hearings on the Draft SEIS for the Izembek National Wildlife Refuge Land Exchange/Road Corridor

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has scheduled public meetings and hearings for the Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (SEIS) for the Izembek National Wildlife Refuge Land Exchange/Road Corridor. The Draft SEIS considers the effects of a potential land exchange of certain lands owned by the King Cove Corporation with certain lands owned by the U.S. Government and located within the Izembek National Wildlife Refuge and Izembek Wilderness Area. If a land exchange is approved, King Cove Corporation would use the acquired land for a road corridor for noncommercial use.

Please see the Meetings Flyer for meetings locations, dates and times. 

Public comments on the Draft SEIS will be accepted until 7:59PM AKST December 30, 2024. For more information visit https://www.fws.gov/project/potential-land-exchange-road-between-king-cove-and-cold-bay.