Friday, March 14, 2025

Board of Fish deliberate Commercial Crab and Scallop Proposals

 The Alaska Board of Fisheries deliberated Group 1 commercial crab and scallop proposals this morning, after hearing from the Group 1 Committee of the Whole yesterday morning. 

The first proposal adopted was Proposal 277 using substitute language in RC 47 to establish an Aleutian Islands state-waters golden king crab fishery. This new open access fishery would be open to vessels 58 ft and under, with a total pot limit of 400 pots and a GHL of 50,000 lbs.

Another crab proposal adopted of note was Proposal 284 using substitute language from RC 46 to allow catcher vessels to operate as tenders during the Kodiak, Chignik and South Peninsula district commercial Tanner crab fisheries. This proposal was originally just for the Kodiak district until South Peninsula fishermen lobbied for the expanded language.

The other commercial crab/scallop proposals adopted by the Board:

  • Proposal 279 to amend vessel gear sharing and transfer provisions in the rationalized Aleutian Islands golden king crab fishery west of 174° W. longitude. 
  • Proposal 289 to amend pot limit for the Kodiak District commercial Tanner crab fishery.
  • Proposal 282 to amend escape mechanism requirements for Kodiak District commercial Tanner crab gear. 
  • Proposal 291 to formalize the closure of Bristol Bay waters east of 163°W. long. to directed Tanner crab fishing.
  • Proposal 292 to amend Tanner crab landing requirements for Registration Area J. 
  • Proposal 296 to amend Registration Area J Dungeness crab vessel inspection requirements.
  • Proposal 297 to amend Dungeness crab pot gear operation requirements for Registration Area J. 
  • Proposal 295 to amend Dungeness crab season dates for the North Peninsula District of Registration
    Area J.
  • Proposal 280 to amend contracting agent performance standards.
  • Proposal 281 to amend observer trainee minimum qualifications. 
The Board takes up Group 2 Proposals for personal use, sport and subsistence shellfish, and Prince William Sound and Kodiak shrimp, this afternoon beginning at 2:30pm. Public can follow along at the Egan Center in Anchorage or online at the Board website.


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