Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Aleutian Islands Dist. 2011 State-Waters P. Cod GHL Announced

According to the Alaska Department of Fish and Game, the guideline harvest level (GHL) for the 2011 Aleutian Islands District state-waters Pacific cod season is 15,542,430 pounds. The GHL will be apportioned so that a maximum of 70% is available prior to June 10 (A season), and 30% plus any unharvested amount from the A season is available beginning June 10 (B season). The state-waters season will take place inside state waters of the Aleutian Islands District west of 170 degrees W longitude.

GHL (pounds)

A Season prior to June 10: 10,879,701

B Season beginning on June 10: 4,662,729

Total: 15,542,430

The state-waters Pacific cod season in the Aleutian Islands District will open, as announced in a subsequent news release, four days after the closure of the initial parallel catcher-vessel trawl season for Pacific cod in the federal Bering Sea-Aleutian Islands Area. The parallel Pacific cod season is closed in the Aleutian Islands west of 170 degrees W long. during the state-waters Pacific cod season. Fishermen should note that the management plan provides for the parallel season to be opened, and the state-waters season closed, on April 1 and September 1.

The daily harvest limit of Pacific cod in the state-waters season for each vessel is 150,000 pounds round weight, with a maximum of 150,000 pounds of unprocessed Pacific cod on board the vessel at any time.

For more information, click on the headline of this blog post.

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