Thursday, July 12, 2012

Sand Point Commercial Salmon Fishery - Announcement # 12

Commercial salmon fishing will be allowed in the Northwest Stepovak Section of the Southeastern district for 48 hours from noon tomorrow (Friday, July 13th) until noon Sunday, July 15, 2012.

Fishermen are reminded that the waters of Orzinski Bay, northwest of a line from Elephant Point to Waterfall Point, are open until further notice. The closed waters of Orzinski Bay are reduced to the stream mouth.

All closed waters in the above locations will be as described in the regulation book or as adjusted by emergency order.

Statistical charts and harvest strategies are available at the Sand Point, Cold Bay, and Port Moller Fish and Game offices. Commercial salmon fishing regulations, commercial harvest, escapement, and news releases can be found on the ADF&G website at: Salmon fishery announcements will be broadcast on VHF channels 6 and 73 daily at 9:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. and may also be obtained from ADF&G in Sand Point at 383-2334 (383-ADFG).

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